Peripatetic Event

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

2023 Theme - Fighting inequality for a resilient future

This year’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction addresses the connection between disasters and inequality. Disasters and inequality are two sides of the same coin. Each adversity reinforces the other: unequal access to services leaves the most vulnerable exposed to the danger of disasters; while the effects of disasters exacerbate inequalities and push the most at risk further into poverty.

Since most countries at high risk of disasters are also among those with the highest share of the population living under the national poverty line, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) encourages people to take action to break the cycle of disaster and growing inequality.

To mobilize action, the UN agency is raising awareness of the brutal inequality of disasters. It calls for fighting inequality for a resilient future, which is the theme of the 2023 observance.

The Day’s theme aligns with the Sendai Framework, the international agreement to prevent and reduce losses in lives, livelihoods, economies and basic infrastructure. The treaty has seven global targets and 38 indicators for measuring progress and complements the Paris Agreement on climate change, with both frameworks interlinked to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The observance takes place shortly after the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, where the UN General Assembly in May 2023 adopted a political declaration to accelerate action to strengthen disaster resilience.

Check out the list of events around the world and participate. #DRRDay #ResilienceForAll #BreakTheCycle